Figaro, my male half-moon betta fish, has lived with me for the last six months. Neither of these pictures are of him (he would not stay still), but he's virtually identical to both of these. I am a rather bad fish owner - the whole point of getting a fish as opposed to some other pet was that he would be "low maintenance." (Actually, there wasn't much option because fish are the only animals allowed in the dorm:) This afternoon, I googled how I should take care of him and decided change his water more often.
Figaro does many interesting things. As I write, he is playing in his bowl on my desk and has just folded himself in half in a U-shape upside down. Sometimes, he buries his head in the glass beads at the bottom and stands upside down. Sometimes, he twitches his fins convulsively and shoots across his bowl. Often he's after a bit of food that has lodged at the bottom of the bowl. When I put my finger on his bowl, he comes over and stairs at me, swishing his fins. Sometimes, he puts his head straight down and dives.
Genesis 1:20-22 says, "And God said, 'Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life...' And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly...And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas..." When Figaro flits around his world busily fulfilling the tasks for which God created him, he reminds me of what a wonderful creator God is. He made such an intricate little fish - a body that is so flexible he can fold himself in half, fins that are so filmy that you can see the tiniest ripple in them, scales that sheen iridescence turquoise or blue depending on the light.
If you have ever wanted to know more about God's creativity, get a fish and spend time watching it.
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